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作者: Oyeyemi, Helen
出版年: 2011-6
页数: 256
定价: 149.00元
ISBN: 9780330536264

内容简介  · · · · · ·

It's an ordinary afternoon in 1938 for the celebrated American novelist St John Fox, hard at work in the study of his suburban home until his long-absent muse wanders in. Mary Foxe (beautiful, British and 100% imaginary) is in a playfully combative mood. "You're a villain," she tells him. 'A serial killer ...can you grasp that?" Mr Fox has a predilection for murdering his heroi...

作者简介  · · · · · ·


海伦•奥耶耶美(Helen Oyeyemi),1984年出生于尼日利亚,成长于伦敦,2013年被著名文学杂志《格兰塔》评选为英国zui佳青年小说家之一,2017年获“美国笔会文学奖”。她的作品风格奇幻,充满魔幻元素,常常反映性别、种族等问题。她18岁时就写出了“令英国文学圈惊诧”的处女作《遗失翅膀的天使》(The Icarus Girl),此后更奉献出《翻转屋》(The Opposite House)、《白色是女巫的颜色》(White is for Witching)、《不存在的情人》(Mr. Fox)、《不是你的就不是你的》(What is not Yours is not Yours)等佳作。


