作者: Bernard Cornwell
出版社: William Collins
副标题: The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles
出版年: 2015-5-7
页数: 352
定价: GBP 9.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780007539406

内容简介  · · · · · ·

#1 Bestseller in the U.K.

From the New York Times bestselling author and master of martial fiction comes the definitive, illustrated history of one of the greatest battles ever fought—a riveting nonfiction chronicle published to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s last stand.

On June 18, 1815 the armies of France, Britain and Prussia descended upon a quiet valley so...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

伯纳德•康沃尔(Bernard Cornwell),生于伦敦,目前居住在美国。他是一位畅销书作家,著有极其成功的“沙普”系列小说(以拿破仑战争为背景)、“斯塔巴克”编年史、“军阀”系列小说、“圣杯”系列小说和“武士”系列小说,以及独立的战争历史小说《阿金库尔》和《要塞》。

陆大鹏,英德译者,南京大学英美文学硕士,热爱一切long ago和far away的东西。代表译作“地中海史诗三部曲”《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》《金雀花王朝》等。


目录  · · · · · ·

Bernard Cornwell was born in London in 1944 - a 'warbaby' - whose father was a Canadian airman and mother in Britain's Women's Auxiliary Air Force. He was adopted by a family in Essex who belonged to a religious sect called the Peculiar People (and they were), but escaped to London University and, after a stint as a teacher, he joined BBC Television where he worked for the next 10 years. He began as a researcher on the Nationwide programme and ended as Head of Current Affairs Television for the BBC in Northern Ireland. It was while working in Belfast that he met Judy, a visiting American, and fell in love. Judy was unable to move to Britain for family reasons so Bernard went to the States where he was refused a Green Card. He decided to earn a living by writing, a job that did not need a permit from the US government - and for some years he had been wanting to write the adventures of a British soldier in the Napoleonic wars - and so the Sharpe series was born. Bernard and Judy married in 1980, are still married, still live in the States and he is still writing Sharpe.

Bernard Cornwell was born in London in 1944 - a 'warbaby' - whose father was a Canadian airman and mother in Britain's Women's Auxiliary Air Force. He was adopted by a family in Essex who belonged to a religious sect called the Peculiar People (and they were), but escaped to London University and, after a stint as a teacher, he joined BBC Television where he worked for the next 10 years. He began as a researcher on the Nationwide programme and ended as Head of Current Affairs Television for the BBC in Northern Ireland. It was while working in Belfast that he met Judy, a visiting American, and fell in love. Judy was unable to move to Britain for family reasons so Bernard went to the States where he was refused a Green Card. He decided to earn a living by writing, a job that did not need a permit from the US government - and for some years he had been wanting to write the adventures of a British soldier in the Napoleonic wars - and so the Sharpe series was born. Bernard and Judy married in 1980, are still married, still live in the States and he is still writing Sharpe.
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