Normal 0 false false false Numerical Analysis, Second Edition , is a modern and readable text. This book covers not only the standard topics but also some more advanced numerical methods being used by computational scientists and engineers—topics such as compression, forward and backward error analysis, and iterative methods of solving equations—all while maintaining...
Normal 0 false false false Numerical Analysis, Second Edition , is a modern and readable text. This book covers not only the standard topics but also some more advanced numerical methods being used by computational scientists and engineers—topics such as compression, forward and backward error analysis, and iterative methods of solving equations—all while maintaining a level of discussion appropriate for undergraduates. Each chapter contains a Reality Check, which is an extended exploration of relevant application areas that can launch individual or team projects. MATLAB ® is used throughout to demonstrate and implement numerical methods. The Second Edition features many noteworthy improvements based on feedback from users, such as new coverage of Cholesky factorization, GMRES methods, and nonlinear PDEs.
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Timothy Sauer 乔治梅森大学数学系教授。1982年毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,师从著名数学家Robin Hartshorne。他的主要研究领域为动力系统和数值分析。除本书外,还与人合著有CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems等书。Sauer 是SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems、Journal of Difference Equations and Applications和Physica D等学术期刊的编委。