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作者: Jamie Monson
出版社: Indiana University Press
副标题: How a Chinese Development Project Changed Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania
出版年: 2009-3-1
页数: 216
定价: GBP 27.99
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780253352712

内容简介  · · · · · ·

The TAZARA (Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority) or Freedom Railway stretches from Dar es Salaam on the Tanzanian coast to the Copperbelt region of Zambia. The railway, built during the height of the Cold War, was intended to redirect the mineral wealth of the interior away from routes through South Africa and Rhodesia. After being rebuffed by Western donors, newly independent Ta...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

孟洁梅(Jamie Monson)麦考莱斯特自2009年以来一直在麦考莱斯特大学教学。孟洁梅女士是一位历史学家, 一直关注坦赞铁路这一中国援非的里程碑项目。她的的研究兴趣包括非洲社会、环境和农业历史历史以及非中关系。并且对坦赞铁路的历史很感兴趣,潜心研究,多次实地考察,拜访当地群众,了解当时历史情况,后集结成著。