作者: Thor Hanson
出版社: Basic Books
副标题: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle
出版年: 2012-7-31
页数: 352
定价: USD 17.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780465028788

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Now in paperback, this is Thor Hanson's critically-acclaimed natural and cultural history of nature's finest invention. Feathers are an evolutionary marvel: aerodynamic, insulating, and beguiling. Their story begins in the Jurassic period and leads through the development of flight to high fashion - from leaping dinosaurs to da Vinci sketches to showgirls on the Las Vegas Strip...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

托尔·汉森是一位独立保护生物学家,曾获古根海姆奖(Guggenheim Fellow)和斯威策基金会环境奖(Switzer Environmental Fellow)。本科毕业于雷德兰兹大学,经爱达荷大学和(哥斯达黎加)热带农业研究所联合培养获得博士学位。目前居住于美国圣胡安岛。著有《无法理解的森林》(The Impenetrable Forest,2008)、《种子的胜利》(The Triumph of Seeds,2016)等书。