作者: Manfred Kuehn
出版社: Cambridge University Press
副标题: A Biography
出版年: 2001-3-19
页数: 544
定价: USD 150.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780521497046

内容简介  · · · · · ·

This is the first full-length biography in more than fifty years of Immanuel Kant, one of the giants among the pantheon of Western philosophers, and one of the most powerful and influential in contemporary philosophy. Taking account of the most recent scholarship, Manfred Kuehn allows the reader to follow the same journey that Kant himself took in emerging as a central figure i...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

曼弗雷德•库恩(Manfred Kuehn),以研究康德、休谟以及二者之间哲学关系的作品而著称于世。他对德国唯心论以及它在德国、法国和大不列颠的先驱有广博的知识。同时也从事伦理学和宗教哲学方面的研究。库恩曾任德国汉堡大学客座教授,现为美国波士顿大学哲学教授。编著的作品有:《德国的苏格兰常识哲学》(Scottish Common Sense in Germany,McGill-Queen's University Press,1988)、《伊曼纽尔•康德:国际康德论文选》(Immanuel Kant,An International Anthology of Essays on Kant,2 vols.,edited with Heiner F. Klemme ,Ashgate,2000)、《康德传记文献》(Kant Biographien,8 vol...