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作者: Ward Farnsworth
出版社: University Of Chicago Press
副标题: A Toolkit for Thinking about the Law
出版年: 2007-06-15
页数: 326
定价: USD 21.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780226238357

内容简介  · · · · · ·

There are two kinds of knowledge law school teaches: legal rules on the one hand and tools for thinking about legal problems on the other. Although the tools are far more interesting and useful than the rules, they tend to be neglected in favor of other aspects of the curriculum. In "The Legal Analyst", Ward Farnsworth brings together in one place all of the most powerful of th...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

沃德•法恩斯沃思:美国波士顿大学法学院教授。毕业于芝加哥大学法学院,曾任理查德•A. 波斯纳(美国联邦第七巡回法院首席法官)和安东尼•M. 肯尼迪(美国联邦最高法院大法官)的助手,曾任位于海牙的伊朗—美国索赔法庭的法律顾问。