The Patient and the Analysttxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载
作者: Joseph Sandler / Christopher Dare / Alex Holder
出版社: Karnac Books
出版年: 1992-06-01
页数: 256
定价: USD 35.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781855750081

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Sandler, Dare and Holder's classic overview of what goes on in the practice of psychoanalysis.</p>This is a completely revised and enlarged edition of the well-known classic by Sandler, Dare & Holder. In the twenty years since the previous edition was published much progress has been made in regard to the clinical concept of psychoanalysis, and this new edition brings the subje...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

作者:(英国)Joseph Sandler (英国)Christopher Dare (英国)Alex Holder 译者:施琪嘉 曾奇峰 肖泽萍
