Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighborstxt,chm,pdf,epub,mobi下载
作者: Jonathan Karam Skaff
出版社: Oxford University Press
副标题: Culture, Power, and Connections, 580-800
出版年: 2012-8-6
页数: 432
定价: USD 95.00
装帧: Hardcover
丛书: Oxford Studies in Early Empires
ISBN: 9780199734139

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors challenges readers to reconsider China's relations with the rest of Eurasia. Investigating interstate competition and cooperation between the successive Sui and Tang dynasties and Turkic states of Mongolia from 580 to 800, Jonathan Skaff upends the notion that inhabitants of China and Mongolia were irreconcilably different and hosti...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Jonathan Karam Skaff is Professor of History and Director of International Studies at Shippensburg University.

目录  · · · · · ·

List of Maps, Figures, and Tables xiii
Introduction: The China-Inner Asia Frontier as World History 3
1. Eastern Eurasian Geography, History, and Warfare 23
2. China-Inner Asian Borderlands: Discourse and Reality 52
3. Power through Patronage: Patrimonial Political Networking 75
4. Ideology and Interstate Competition 105
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List of Maps, Figures, and Tables xiii
Introduction: The China-Inner Asia Frontier as World History 3
1. Eastern Eurasian Geography, History, and Warfare 23
2. China-Inner Asian Borderlands: Discourse and Reality 52
3. Power through Patronage: Patrimonial Political Networking 75
4. Ideology and Interstate Competition 105
5. Diplomacy as Eurasian Ritual 134
6. Negotiating Investiture 171
7. Negotiating Kinship 203
8. Horse Trading and Other Material Bargins 241
9. Breaking Bonds 272
Conclusion: Beyond the Silk Roads 288
Appendices 301
Notes 339
Bibliography 361
Index with Chinese Character Glossary 385
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