作者:  [英] 威廉·华兹华斯
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
译者:  杨德豫
出版年: 2012-3
页数: 288
定价: 18.00元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 英诗经典名家名译
ISBN: 9787513517348

内容简介  · · · · · ·


作者简介  · · · · · ·


杨德豫,(1928— ),湖南长沙人。译有莎士比亚长诗《鲁克丽斯受辱记》和华兹华斯、柯尔律治、拜伦、朗费罗等人的诗选。1998年,因华兹华斯诗选译本荣膺首届鲁迅文学奖翻译彩虹奖。

目录  · · · · · ·

[Untitled] 2
The Sparrow's Nest 4
Foresight 8
Lucy Gray 12
We are Seven 18
The Pet-lamb 26
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[Untitled] 2
The Sparrow's Nest 4
Foresight 8
Lucy Gray 12
We are Seven 18
The Pet-lamb 26
From Poems Referring to the Period of Childhood
[Untitled] 34
[Untitled] 36
TO— 40
[Untitled] 42
Michael 44
From Poems Founded on the Affections
The Waterfall and the Eglantine 80
The Green Linnet 86
Song for the Spinning-wheel 90
The Poet and the Caged Turtledove 94
From Poems of the Fancy
To the Cuckoo 98
[Untitled] 102
[Untitled] 106
The Daffodils 108
The Reverie of Poor Susan 112
Written in March 114
Hart-Leap Well 118
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern 136
Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye
during a Tour
From Poems of the Imagination
[Untitled] 150
Upon the Sight of a Beautiful Picture 152
Painted by Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bart
To Sleep 154
[Untitled] 156
[Untitled] 158
[Untitled] 160
[Untitled] 162
[Untitled] 164
[Untitled] 166
September, 1815 168
[Untitled] 170
[Untitled] 172
Composed upon Westminster Bridge 174
[Untitled] 176
TO ——, In Her Seventieth Year 178
[Untitled] 180
To B. R. Haydon, on Seeing His Picture of 182
Napoleon Buonaparte on the Island of
St. Helena
[Untitled] 184
From Miscellaneous Sonnets
Stepping Westward 186
The Solitary Reaper 190
Yarrow Unvisited 194
Yarrow Visited 202
From Memorials of Tours in Scotland,
1803 and 1814
Composed by the Seaside near Calais 212
Calais, August, 1802 214
On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic 216
Thought of a Briton on the Subjugation 218
of Switzerland
London, 1802 222
[Untitled] 224
To the Men of Kent 226
Anticipation 228
Hofer 230
Feelings of the Tyrolese 232
On the Final Submission of the Tyrolese 234
Indignation of a High-minded Spaniard 236
The French and the Spanish Guerillas 238
From Poems Dedicated to National Independence
and Liberty
[Untitled] 240
The Stepping- stones 242
[Untitled] 244
After-thought 246
From The River Duddon—A Series of Sonnets
The Tables Turned 248
Lines Written in Early Spring 252
From Poems of Sentiment and Reflection
George and Sarah Green 256
From Miscellanecus Poems
The Small Celandine 260
From Poems Relating to the Period of Old Age
Ode: Intimations of Immortality from 264
Recollections of Early Childhood
3 无题
5 麻雀窝
9 远见
13 露西・格瑞
19 我们是七个
27 宝贝羊羔
35 无题
37 无题
41 致——
43 无题
45 迈克尔
87 绿山雀
91 纺车谣
95 诗人和笼中斑鸠
99 致杜鹃
103 无题
107 无题
109 水仙
113 苏珊的梦幻
115 阳春3 月作
119 鹿跳泉
137 廷腾寺
151 无题
153 咏乔治・博蒙特爵士所作
155 致睡眠
157 无题
159 无题
161 无题
163 无题
165 无题
167 无题
1 69 1815年9月
171 无题
173 无题
175 威斯敏斯特桥上
177 无题
179 赠一位年届七旬的女士
181 无题
183 致海登,观其所绘
185 无题
187 往西走
191 孤独割麦女
193 未访的雅鲁河
203 已访的雅鲁河
1803 年与1814 年》
213 作于加莱附近海滨
215 加莱,1802年8月
217 为威尼斯共和国覆亡而作
219 一个英国人有感于瑞士的
223 伦敦,1802年
225 无题
2 27 献给肯特的士兵
229 预卜
231 霍弗尔
233 蒂罗尔人的心情
235 有感于蒂罗尔人的屈服
237 西班牙人的愤怒
239 法国兵和西班牙游击队
241 无题
243 踏脚石
245 无题
247 追思
249 转折
253 早春命笔
257 乔治和萨拉・格林
261 小白屈菜
265 永生的信息
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