作者: 普芬道夫
出版社: 中国政法大学出版社
原作名: On the Duty of Man and Citizen according to Natural Law
译者: Michael Silverthorne
出版年: 2003-7
页数: 183
定价: 17.00元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 剑桥政治思想史原著系列(影印本)
ISBN: 9787562024293

内容简介  · · · · · ·

On the Duty of Man and Citizen (1673) is Pufendorf's succinct and condensed presentation of the natural law political theory he developed in his monumental classic On the Law of Nature and Nations (1672). His theory was the most influential natural law philosophy of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries. He advanced a compelling reply to Grotius and Hobbes, and in doing so,...

目录  · · · · · ·

Main works by Pufendorf and abbreviations page
Chronlogy of Pufendorfs life and publications
Editor s introduction
Bibliog raphical note
Translator s note
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Main works by Pufendorf and abbreviations page
Chronlogy of Pufendorfs life and publications
Editor s introduction
Bibliog raphical note
Translator s note
Author’s dedication
Author’s preface
Book I
1 On human action
2 On the rule of human sctions,or on law in general
3 On natural law
4 On man’s duty to God ,or on natural religion
5 On duty to oneself
6 On the duty of every man to every man ,and first of not harming others
7 On recognizing men’s natural equality
8 On the common duties of humanity
9 On the duty of paarties to agreements in general
10 On the duty of men in the use of language
11 On the duties involved in taking an oath
12 On duty inb acquiring ownership of things
13 On the duties arising from ownership in itself
14 On value
15 On contuacts which presuppose value in ghings and on the duties they involve
16 On methods of dissolving obligations arising from agreements
17 On interpretation
Book II
1 On men’s natural state
2 On the duties of marriage
3 On the duties of parents and children
4 On the duties of amsters and slaves
5 On the impulsive cause of constituting the state
6 On the internal structure of states
7 On the functions of the sovereign power
8 On the forms of government
9 On the characteristics of civil authoiy
10 On the ways of acquiring authority,particularly monarchical
11 On the duty of sovereigns
12 On civil laws in particular
13 On the right of life and death
14 On reputation
15 On the power of sovereign authoryity over property wityin the state
16 On war and pesce
17 On treaties
18 On the duties of citizens
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